Thursday, October 4, 2012

There and Back Again

No, that's not me. But I am really looking forward to the movie!

No, it's not The Hobbit . . . it's the fact that when you go out for a ride, and you go so far, you still have to turn around and come all the way back home.

Today I rode 11 miles. 58 minutes total.

I brought along a bandana for my mouth and nose, but didn't need it. The bugs were (virtually) all gone this cool and sunny October morning. Until I looked down at my shirt and arms and saw a few dozen of the gnats, I had actually thought they were completely gone...but no, there were still a few strays - just not the massive swarms of just two days ago. What a difference two days make!

I went further today than ever before. All the way down the Denver and Rio Grande Western Rail  "Main Line Through the Rockies" Trail to the Old Mill Lane crossing. (That name is quite a a kid I probably would've just called it "the bike path.")

I really wanted to just keep going and going, the long straight path outstretched before me...but I knew that for each additional mile I went, that meant another mile I had to traverse to make it home.

And it's uphill going home.

An indicator of how much of a hill it is: it took me 24 minutes down, and 34 back. The slope is extremely gradual, but by the time you're almost home, you are really feeling it. But my legs aren't really the problem, and the cardio is not really the problem - it's my butt. I haven't gotten "broken back in" yet, and it hurts.

Still, I do really like riding, and look forward to keeping it up for as long as the weather will let me.

It would be great if I could make it to my goal before the snow hits (making it to my friend Ryan's house in Centerville). We'll see!

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