Saturday, October 20, 2012

Double Down

No, that's not me - but I sure feel his pain.

After I rode all the way to Ryan's house in Centerville on Thursday, I left my bike there and got caught a lift home. Today, I drove down and retrieved my bike - and RODE IT ALL THE WAY HOME!

Yes, another 14.5 mile ride! Woo hoo!

And not only did I ride it all the way home...but I did it in 1 hour and 12 minutes - 4 minutes faster than my ride down! Granted, I probably made up most of it in the first thousand yards, rushing down that crazy hill, but still, I was amazed to have such a good time, considering it is mostly a gradual uphill for the last half.

Around two-thirds of the way back, I started to get really tight in my shoulders, particularly the left one. Very sore. Also, the bugs are still out in full force, as can be expected on a 70-degree day in late October. Crazy.

But I opted not to wear the bandana bandit-style, because when I tried it, I felt too claustrophobic - like I couldn't breathe. So I just dealt with the gnats.

Still, a great and beautiful high-calorie burning ride.

And I never felt bad when I'd get passed by people on their fancy-schmancy road bikes. I just trundle along on my $100 Walmart mountain bike, quite happy. Though, one day, if I can ever afford it, I would love to have one of those road bikes...certainly before I try anything as bold as the Century Ride.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


No, that's not me, but it is how I felt when I reached my destination (though jumping was definitely out of the question).

Rode to the gas station and made sure my tires had enough pressure.

Then I set off for my EPIC bike ride to Ryan's!

The first half (the half I've done before) was a breeze, and I felt pretty excited, pushing it hard to make sure I made good time (and not really knowing what to expect beyond that halfway point).

Then I busted past my most distant turnaround point to date, and kept on heading south. But as I carried on, I started to feel pressure. Not the bike tires, but in my mind.

Despite the beautiful scenery, I began doubting a little. What lies ahead? What is the exact route again? Is this really a good idea? What if my bike breaks down? How much further is it? I told my wife (and of course, Ryan) that I would be going all the way today - what if I can't do this?


I worked to keep those doubts and fears under control and just enjoy the view (which was, once again, stunning).

Then I hit a glitch.

At some point in Farmington (immediately past the Legacy Events Center), I saw a sign that pointed left and said "Legacy Trail 0.7." I thought nothing of it, until ten yards later, my beloved Denver and Rio Grande Western Rail "Main Line Through the Rockies" Cycling and Pedestrian Trail (hereinafter, "DRGWRMLTRCPT") ceased to be paved and became a trail of rocks (rocks that seemed like that lava rock they put in some BBQs). Uh, THAT wasn't on the Google Map! So, I turned around and took the trail that led me eastward. Turns out, it caused me to double back a little before eventually coming out near the highway, and after a quick check of the Google Map on my phone, I took a feeder trail to get to the Legacy Trail, which I then took to Glovers Lane (my intended departure point from the DRGWRMLTRCPT). So, a minor variation from the plan - no big deal.

From that point, it was a whole different ride. Let me tell you, it is a far cry from the quiet, idyllic serenity of the DRGWRMLTRCPT to riding on the city streets with all that traffic. Constantly looking over my shoulder, nervous I was going to get run over by a distracted was nerve-wracking. Plus, the road surface is not nearly as smooth as the DRGWRMLTRCPT, so I felt like it was slowing me down a little.

And then there were the hills. It wasn't TOO bad, until I got to the dreaded hill up to Ryan's. As I dropped to the lowest gear, and it still wasn't enough, I had a flashback to 30 years ago and my days of riding my BMX everywhere. When the hills get tough, the smart rider zig-zags up them, as much as necessary to lessen the incline (much the way roads are cut into mountains). I must've at least tripled the distance of that last half mile by weaving back and forth across the street, but I made it! I never stopped; never so much as put my foot down.

When I got to the top, I threw my arms up in the air like Rocky Balboa. My quads were burning, my breath panting.


And the pressure was off...I had a friendly automobile ride home awaiting me.

Unlike when I met my running goal - and was glad it was all finally over - reaching this goal has only inspired me to set new ones. The next logical milestone is to be able to make that same ride round-trip, so I will continue to work toward that.

By the way, one of the beauties of this ride today was that I burned more calories than I consumed all day!

And so, I now go onward to my next goal: the 29-mile round-trip. This may take a lot longer to reach (especially with the weather changing). I wonder how long the window of time is where the gnats are gone but the snow hasn't started yet...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Approaching My Goal...Sort Of

No, that's not the Denver and Rio Grande Western Rail "Main Line Through the Rockies" Cycling and Pedestrian Trail, but it bears a similitude to the colors witnessed today.

Today's ride was so beautiful. The signs of fall were all over, as yellow leaves clustered over the Denver and Rio Grande Western Rail "Main Line Through the Rockies" Cycling and Pedestrian Trail (hereinafter "the bike path") creating colorful tunnels strewn with fallen leaves. The gray skies threatened rain the whole way - occasionally firing a few little warning shots across my bow.

The gnat population has greatly decreased; only about 20 of the bugs were stuck to my shirt (and face) upon arrival back home. Still, having munched on a couple along the way, I recommend against being a mouth-breather until after a hard freeze can finally do away with those critters for the season.

For today's excursion I listened to Azam Ali for most of the ride (including her collaboration with Buckethead), followed by a little Deuter (Elysian Fields and Dรคmmerschein). This provided a most atmospheric soundtrack for this delightful autumn morning. (Elysian Fields is currently FREE at that link.)

When I got home, I realized that Google Maps allows me to trace my cycling route! Hooray - no more estimating and using the Pythagorean Theorem to gauge my distance - I can actually measure my distance traveled down the bike path. So, today I rode 13.3 miles - my furthest yet (ignoring previously incorrect estimates) - in one hour and eleven minutes.

The good news is, I was also able to plot my exact course to Ryan's house (my goal), and determined it to be 13.7 miles. That means I am nearly at my goal distance! The only problem is, my goal is a one-way ride, since I don't think I'd be able to handle jumping up from a 13-15 mile ride to a 27 mile ride. Also, the last half mile to Ryan's is a very steep uphill. This presents me with a bit of a conundrum.

So now I need to figure out how to actually get to my goal, because I am nearly at the point where my round trip is equal to my one-way, what's the next step, just go all the way to my goal one-way?

Your thoughts?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


No, that's not me. But I think I met him today.

Look, I'm all for getting in touch with nature, but this is ridiculous. I think nature touched me far too much today...

I had thought that the cool spell at the end of last week had put an end to the gnats along the bike path...but I was wrong.

I failed to bring my face scarf, thinking I wouldn't need it...but the bugs were back with a vengeance on this 72-degree October afternoon!

But that didn't stop me from riding 14 miles today! I went down as far as Western Drive this time. What a beautiful day, beautiful ride. I think I may actually make it to my goal (Ryan's house in Centerville) sooner than I think. The tough part will be navigating the streets between the pastoral bike path and my final destination, and making the 40-degree hill climb for that last half mile.

The worst part of riding is the literal pain in the butt. The actual legwork and respiratory work is not bad at all. And, according to my Livestrong food-and-fitness tracker, is really great exercise.

I am down 9 lbs in eleven days. Tomorrow, it's back to the gym for the Day One workout (ARGH!).

Yesterday, I just did a half-mile (5 minute) run to warm up for my Day Two workout, then a 0.2 mile (2 minute) cool-down run after. I have decided that is all I am going to do from now on, running wise. No 5k this year. My goal will be the ride to Ryan's. After I achieve that, I will increase my goal (though I will have to break from riding during the winter). But I will still do my workout and warm-up running at the gym.

Woo hoo!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

No, that's not me. But I am kind of a square.

I ran again yesterday - did another mile. Did it in 9:28. Almost died. (Hard to believe I did it in 8:10 last year when I was in training for the last 5k).

Which brings me to a thought I had: seriously, how could I have actually run THREE times that distance, at THAT pace, last Thanksgiving? I just don't get it. And as I felt myself dying during that last quarter mile yesterday, I started to seriously reconsider the wisdom of doing this whole thing again. I only have 6.5 more weeks until I run another 5k? And I'm dying at one mile?

I think I may have to come up with some other personal challenge this year, because right now, a 5k in 6 weeks sounds just plain stupid.

Maybe instead, I'll make it my goal to be able to ride my bike all the way to Ryan's in Centerville (about 15 miles) by Thanksgiving - and actually do it on Thanksgiving morning (no matter the weather).

Yeah. That sounds much, MUCH more appealing. Since, after all, I really hate running.

So, what do YOU think? Should I continue this madness and try for the 5k run again, or should I do something I have NEVER done before, and ride to Ryan's? (Either way, I'm not changing the name of the blog. Though I may want to consider eventually updating the info on the upper left, since I am now 41. But still somewhat-fat.)

Anyway....CAST YOUR VOTE!*

*Outcome of vote tally may or may not have any actual effect on my decision and in no way constitutes a binding resolution or agreement between the voting parties and my legs/lungs.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

There and Back Again

No, that's not me. But I am really looking forward to the movie!

No, it's not The Hobbit . . . it's the fact that when you go out for a ride, and you go so far, you still have to turn around and come all the way back home.

Today I rode 11 miles. 58 minutes total.

I brought along a bandana for my mouth and nose, but didn't need it. The bugs were (virtually) all gone this cool and sunny October morning. Until I looked down at my shirt and arms and saw a few dozen of the gnats, I had actually thought they were completely gone...but no, there were still a few strays - just not the massive swarms of just two days ago. What a difference two days make!

I went further today than ever before. All the way down the Denver and Rio Grande Western Rail  "Main Line Through the Rockies" Trail to the Old Mill Lane crossing. (That name is quite a a kid I probably would've just called it "the bike path.")

I really wanted to just keep going and going, the long straight path outstretched before me...but I knew that for each additional mile I went, that meant another mile I had to traverse to make it home.

And it's uphill going home.

An indicator of how much of a hill it is: it took me 24 minutes down, and 34 back. The slope is extremely gradual, but by the time you're almost home, you are really feeling it. But my legs aren't really the problem, and the cardio is not really the problem - it's my butt. I haven't gotten "broken back in" yet, and it hurts.

Still, I do really like riding, and look forward to keeping it up for as long as the weather will let me.

It would be great if I could make it to my goal before the snow hits (making it to my friend Ryan's house in Centerville). We'll see!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

'Tis the Season...

 No, this is not me, but it should be on Thursday.

...for NOT breathing through your mouth (or nose) while cycling!


I normally like to write this blog languishing in a pool of my own sweat (just to keep me in the mood). But today, I had to run straight upstairs and into the shower - I was covered in little creatures.

Every couple hundred yards along the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway Trail, I hit a very large swath (swarm? collection? herd?) of gnats.

Gnats that stuck to my arms, face, and clothes. I  must've ingested enough of the little suckers to abrogate the need for a post-ride protein shake. By the time I got home, I looked like a 200-mile summer roadtrip windshield in serious need of a squeegy.

At one point, something much larger than a gnat (a big fly or bee) struck me in the face, directly in the nasal septum. I'm telling you, a half centimeter to the left, or a half centimeter to the right, and that sucker would have been firmly lodged up a nostril.

Other than that, the weather was perfect!

I listened to music this time, instead of a book (last time I was riding I listened to The War of the Worlds). I went all the way down to 200 N in Kaysville, about an 8-mile round trip (plus I rode to the Freeport Center post office before starting on the main ride). So, 50 minutes total.

It was pretty tough coming back, since it is a gradual uphill all the way home. Had to breathe through gritted teeth to avoid inhaling the bugs. I must've looked like a maniac huffing and puffing along the trail with a bizarre grin on my face. (That reminds me, I should probably floss...)

When I got home, I shook the bugs off my shirt, and they flew off, likely oblivious to their dramatic relocation. The ones that had stuck to my skin were dead, drowned in a salty fluid. The ones in my hair - well. I ran my hands through my hair, shaking vigorously, and released about 50 gnats.

I'm certain when I blow my nose about 400 gnats will fly out (I'll let you know the exact count).

My sunglasses need a good scrubbing. Next time it'll have to be goggles.

And next time, I'll want to go train-robber style (wearing the bandit scarf across my ventilation holes).

Other than that, it was a good ride. Felt good to be back in the saddle (literally). Not good on my butt, just good in an "I'm making a good choice for myself" kind of way. Truth is, I feel pretty horrible physically, because I worked out again for the first time in a very, VERY long time yesterday. After running a mile again. SO sore.

And I've been eating much healthier.

I think, maybe THIS time, will be the time that I lose all that weight I need to lose. Here's hoping.