Monday, November 14, 2011

Run #28: Even Shorter

...and it's only Monday.  (No, that's not me.)

Well, I got out too late, was too tired, and ate too much dinner...

So, although I had intended to try to run an 8 minute mile, I only ran a 4 minute half-mile.  Which makes me half as good as that guy who ran the 4-minute mile.  I guess.

Okay, I'll try again Wednesday.  :(

I can't believe there's only 10 days until the 5k.  That's only like 5 more practice runs.  I can't believe I only have to run 6 more times in my life!  YAY!

Okay.  So, here's the plan: Wednesday I will really try to run a mile as fast as I can.  It may not be 8 minutes, but whatever.  Then I will slow it down for the next two runs and do a full 5k for each, no matter how long it takes.  Then, on the last practice run (the day before the 5k), I will try for one more 30 minute 5k.  Then I do the real run.

Here's hoping I can pull this off.

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